Wednesday, September 10, 2014

ED Tech Experience

There are so many different experiences that I had when I was in K-12.  I guess I should start back in middle school where in many of my classes we were able to get lap tops on a cart once a week to use to explore the Internet.  For example, in my history class our teacher would let us go on the computer and figure out a good source that we could potentially use in class about what were learning.  I thought it was a great tool that we could really figure out many different ways that we could get our knowledge without just listening to our teacher the entire time.

In addition, in 8th grade we were learning about architecture and how bridges were build in science class.  So David and I were partners in trying to build a bridge, that was made out of popsicle sticks, that would be able to hold up different types of weights.  So were used the computers to build the different bridges that we were thinking about on this program.  The name of the program isn't important, but we were able to model a bridge on this program then print the lay out and then construct the bridge.  Therefore it would be able to hold a considerable amount of weight to get a good grade.  I haven't been back to that class in many years, but I plan on going back to that class to see if the students are still doing the same things I did when I was in 8th.

Now this brings us to high school where the first day of school we were informed that we were all going to be given lap tops.  Obviously we were all pumped about getting our own lap tops, but there were many things we didn't know about them.  First off, when we got the lap tops so many things were blocked that we really couldn't even do work on them.  Such as go on google.  Really don't know why they blocked that.  Anyway, the lap tops were coming in handy when we were still doing projects online that normally we would have to wait to get a lap top from the library or go to the computer lab to get on one of the school computers.  We were not able to take notes with the lap tops which changed everything.  I think that is a very big reason why I am a faster typer now because i would have to keep up with what my teachers where saying during a discussion.  Also, when I first got to college it seemed to be forbidden to use our lap tops to take notes, so now I hardly use my lap top for that purpose.  It was so interesting to be able to connect with people online with the lap tops we were given.  In my Modern World class our teacher set up a Facebook simulation where we had to take on some kind of focal character from WWII.  So you could choose like Hitler or anyone that would be in that realm.  But it was a great way to interact and learn about the people during that time period.

I think that my high school experience is going to greatly help me for when I start teaching.      


  1. I absoloutly love the architecture that you did in 8th grade, and also the software that was available to you at that time. It's also really cool that you even want to go back to see if the class is still the same. I wish my high school had enough money to give us all laptops that's really cool that they could afford that and you had the ability to get them, although a lot of things were blocked which isn't great. I also notice that you said in college they don't really let you use your laptop, i feel the same way from my old college and here though, i'm allowed to use my laptop way more, so hopefully that gets better for you. But, i am really glad that the experiences you have had will help you with your own teaching career!

    1. I hope I also get to use my laptop more in class and mostly this class is where I think I will use it the most. But there are many other classes that I can use my laptop in that my teachers are just not utilizing them. Hopefully this changes because we are all moving in that same direction.
