Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Living An Active Life

     Something that is very important to me is being healthy and living an active life.  This probably is one of the bigger challenges that I see in America today because of all of the temptation of fast food and other horrible food choices.  These companies make it very easy for people to get this food because they might have something called a "Dollar Menu." Now it pretty likely that many people that go to Macdonal's are going to consider ordering off of the dollar menu because well, its a dollar. In addition to that, know one wants to spend or then that if they are looking for a quick lunch or dinner.  I really have a huge problem with this.
     It really isn't fair to all of the people here in the US to have these places have food for so cheap because it is enticing people to buy their product when people know that there is 29 grams of fat in a Big Mac.  Obviously that is horrible for you, but people are looking at the nutritional facts on the back of the box because why would you.  But this is the problem that many people are obese.  It shouldn't be legal to sell food to people that is generally horrible for their health if our country is so focused on making sure that people are healthy and all that.  If the US is going to do anything about make sure that people are healthy and are going to live a long life, then they need to really consider getting rid of all of the fast food places in America.  Or at least limit the amount of them in the country.
     This transitions into my next point about how people should live and active life to help their health.  For example, there is the Play 60 sponsored by the NFL to get children to have at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.  Great I think that this a fantastic way to make sure that children are being active.  But what about everyone else? They should be at least getting 60 minutes a day of active.  Even if that is going on a 2 mile walk at least they are exercising in some way to help with their health. At least where I am from there are gyms popping up all over the place now because people are trying to be healthier and change their lives. That is so important and should be encouraged by the government or some type of high power in the US.  I honestly commend those people that are 250 LBS and up that are going to the gym or exercising because at least they are trying to change their lives for the better and they are the true inspiration for getting healthy.  Not someone that is ripped out of they mind where you can see every single muscle and you can have an anatomy lesson just by looking at them.  Now I understand that those people either take steroids or do something that isn't natural, but regardless they can be someone that people can look up to and say "Hey I might not be able to get to that level of fit, but at least I can try!" I just think that if your live a healthy life then other things in your life will just fall into place.


  1. I think thats awesome how much you care about being healthy and staying active. I agree, having fast food restaurants be so cheap is very dangerous. So many people are always on the go and need to grab something quick to eat and never care enough to actually see what type of ingredients could be inside the food that their eating. I admit to being one of those people... very rarely though haha but I know it's a terrible habit so it's good to try and stay active and go to the gym as much as possible. By having/showing a healthy life can also encourage others to do so as well. I think this is a great topic to bring up to everybody.

  2. I strongly agree with your views on a healthy lifestyle! People need to start looking at the nutritional value instead of just the price of things. Also exercise is a must in order for people to start shredding weight. Working out is also good for helping in other aspects, It gives you more sense for self confidence.
